
Hi, I'm Brendan. I take photographs. These are some of them.

On this site, I have focused on collections of images covering spoken word and poetry, live music, and protest and solidarity rallies, in and around Naarm/Melbourne.

Names of artists have been listed from publicly available sources. If you are in a photograph and would like the image removed from the site, or would like to correct an omission or mistake, please get in touch. In each of the galleries, there is a contact icon (). Clicking this will take you to a contact form on this site, with a reference to the specific image attached.

Where I appear in a photograph, it has most likely been taken by the prolific Michael Reynolds with my camera. Although not the one above. That's a mirror, at Collected Works Bookshop.

This site is intended to be an archive of community activities, out of interest and nostalgia, proof of history, proof of life. Feel free to share the images amongst friends and community, but please do not use any material for commercial purposes without first seeking permission.